What is a Doula?

A doula is a birth companion that can help prepare and educate you and your partner for your birth. A  doula will help you create a birth plan and send you any necessary resources. As your doula, I stay with you throughout the entirety of your labor, holding space and giving you emotional and physical support. I will also advocate for you and your partner in the birth setting of your choice and help facilitate communication between you, your provider and the rest of your birth team.

What Is The Difference Between A Midwife And A Doula?

A midwife is licensed as a medical provider! A doula is a non-medical provider that will not make medical decisions or perform medically oriented tasks for you during pregnancy and birth. A doula provides mental,emotional, and physical support and advocacy during labor and your perinatal time together.

What does a Postpartum Doula do?

A postpartum doula’s duties are to “mother the mother” after your baby’s arrival and you are settled in at home with your family. We provide: emotional support, breastfeeding support, education around newborn care, light housekeeping, help with sibling transition to older sibling, meal preparation, and resources for community involvement (mom groups, local recommendations etc.) Your postpartum doula may accompany you to appointments and run errands for you as well.As a licensed massage therapist and certified postpartum trainer, I also can provide you with bodywork and gentle movement for return to exercise. 

Why Do I Need Customized Programming And/or Nutrition For Pregnancy?

There are many cookie cutter programs for pregnancy- I think those programs are great! However-we are all different. Pregnancy can bring on different problem areas in your body. We also all have different nutritional needs. The customization I offer you allows for diversification of your plan depending on what is going on in your body and optimally prepares you for birth!

What Is The Benefit Of Having Multiple Prenatal Appointments?

Multiple prenatal appointments together allow me to educate you on different birth related topics and for us to discuss questions or concerns you can bring to your doctor or midwife to plan better for birth. Also- we will be able to develop a relationship and get to know each other better – which is an amazing plus!

Why is Prenatal Training Important when Preparing for Birth?

Training in pregnancy has many benefits to you and your baby both in pregnancy and in labor. It can reduce your discomfort in pregnancy, decrease the chance of developing preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, create balance in your tissues and more space for baby to get into optimal position- which can lead to a smoother birth experience with lower interventions!

I Have A Supportive Partner- Why Do I Need A Doula?

By no means will your doula replace your partner- in fact as your doula I will teach your partner additional ways to support you during this beautiful time. Education is key for birth and having a doula alongside your partner in labor will give your partner breaks when needed and the most important point: advocacy for your desires. Birth can be wild- having more support is never a bad idea!

Is there research to support the benefits of having a doula at my birth?

Absolutely! Studies have found that a doula can decrease the risk of cesarean and increase the likelihood of having a spontaneous low- intervention vaginal birth.

What are the Benefits of Prenatal Massage?

Prenatal massage has many benefits for both pregnancy and birth preparation. Massage can decrease prenatal pain, regulate your central nervous system, and possibly create pain, CNs regulation, optimal baby position, connection to self and improved posture

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing uses a combination of self-guided and recorded hypnosis to promote relaxation for birth. We use evidence-based information so Mom can establish confidence in her bodies’ ability and trust in the natural birthing process.

What Do In-person Prenatal Visits Include?

We will discuss different topics of birth together, any questions you have, go over the birth and postpartum plan,and do a practice run of laboring at home! This visit usually lasts between 90min-2hours.

I want to take a Childbirth Education Class. Do you have any recommendations?

Yes! I have many virtual suggestions for birth education and I highly recommend attending my free class offerings at the Bastrop Birthing Center.

Do you offer Packages that include Birth and Postpartum Doula services, Prenatal Massage and Prenatal and Postpartum Exercise?

Absolutely. I am happy to create a customized package for any Mama that would like to combine all of the services I offer!